Rules for handlers and their dogs:
- Handlers are only allowed to start wearing a valid starting number.
- Handlers are only allowed to start under their own starting number.
- Handlers who are not present when their number is due to run will have to forfeit their run.
- Handlers are expected to know their starting number.
- Handlers are expected to treat sheep respectfully.
- Handlers are expected to treat dogs respectfully.
- Handlers are expected to treat the Judges respectfully.
- Handlers are expected to treat all people present respectfully.
- Handlers can be requested to retire from their run, and to leave the trial field, when a fixed number of points, established by the organizing authorities, has already been deducted.
- Handlers will be allowed access to the trial grounds as soon as their entrance fees have been paid.
- Handlers automatically agree with the regulations by entering and paying for the trial.
- Issues not dealt with in these regulations will be decided upon by the organizing authorities.
- If the regulations stated above are not lived by, the organization may take action against the offending handler.
- Handlers participate on their own risk.
- The organization is not responsible for any damage of a kind.
- We are not liable for damages to any dogs, vehicles or possessions at the trial.
- The maximum time for a single run is set at 10 minutes.
- Parking is only allowed in the designated parking spots.
- All dogs must be kept on leash.
- A re-run will only be given at the judges discretion and if he sees fit.
- The organization is empowered to intervene during the run when the dog or sheep are endangered.
- 10 finalist will run after the trial is ended.
- There will be 1 prize-giving moment; European Nursery Champion 2025